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To Do or Not to Do? This is the Question.

I have been following Tim Ferris for some time now, and I appreciate his 5-Bullet Friday emails. This past Friday’s email was, as usual, excellent. I clicked on several links to read more (as I normally do), and the article titled Via Negativa: Adding to Your Life By Subtracting resonated with me. Like many of us who are struggling with our “new normal,” approaching life from the negative makes sense. Brett and Kate McKay invite us to instead of concentrating on what we do, to turn the focus on what we don’t do. This path has two main thrusts: stripping bad habits and situations out of your life and avoiding bad habits/situations in the first place.

This idea comes at an appropriate time. Working from home, helping my teenage son stay interested in school via Zoom, cooking more than usual (eating more than usual), staying up way too late, and feeling a range of emotions each day is beginning to take a toll. Going out to our local lake and walking helps a lot. I will do it again this Sunday afternoon.

What are you doing to keep your head on straight? May I invite you to be proud of what you are NOT doing? Check out the article and know that you are doing just fine by deciding not to eat that second bag of chips.

To NOT doing,

Dr. Crystal

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