A Fixed Point In A Spinning World: Transforming Injustice Through Humility
I have been working with ULEAD, Inc. for several years now. My service began over several conversations with Ritch Hochstetler, Chief Ideation Trailblazer of ULEAD, Inc., who has 30 years of innovating and delivering training experiences to youth and youth workers. During our initial virtual coffee meetings, we discussed servant leadership, the importance of bringing […]
To Do or Not to Do? This is the Question.
I have been following Tim Ferris for some time now, and I appreciate his 5-Bullet Friday emails. This past Friday’s email was, as usual, excellent. I clicked on several links to read more (as I normally do), and the article titled Via Negativa: Adding to Your Life By Subtracting resonated with me. Like many of […]
Servant Leadership and Transparency
I have been interested in the ideas of building trust and organizational transparency before and since I wrote my third book, Bloom Where You Are Planted: Reflections on Servant Leadership and as it were, I came across an infographic that speaks the language of Servant Leadership. The folks over at Track Your Truck GPS Fleet […]
6 Qualities of a Board Chair as Servant Leader
“The chair is the servant-leader of the board. The board is servant-leader of the ownership. The chair is, therefore, servant-leader of the servant-leaders.” ~John Carver The Unique Double Servant-Leadership Role of the Board Chairperson by John Carver is chapter three of the book we are using as a guide, Practicing Servant-Leadership: Succeeding Through Trust, Bravery, and Forgiveness by […]
Act Now
NOTE: Happy Memorial Day Friends! Today’s blog will complete our series on compassion using Daniel Goleman’s book, A Force for Good: The Dalai Lama’s Vision for Our World. I have been working on community projects that have kept my schedule tight, but fun over the last 6 weeks. Our next series is exciting and we […]
3 Ways to Act Now
NOTE: Happy Memorial Day Friends! A big Thank you to Servant Leaders in the World and their service. WE Honor You! Today’s blog will complete our series on compassion using Daniel Goleman’s book, A Force for Good: The Dalai Lama’s Vision for Our World. I have been working on community projects that have kept my […]
Servant Leadership and the Long View
“I feel optimistic about the future because humanity seems to be growing more mature; scientists are paying more attention to our inner values, to the study of mind and the emotions. There is a clear desire for peace and concern for the environment.” ~Dalai Lama Servant Leaders understand that taking the long view to positive […]
3 Ways to Create a World that Works for Everyone
“Given the scale of life in the cosmos, one human life is no more than a tiny blip. Each one of us is a just visitor to this planet, a guest, who will only stay for a limited time. What greater folly could there be than to spend this short time alone, unhappy or in […]
The Year of Servant Leadership in Review
“Great leaders start within.” It has been an amazing year for my learning blog, Lead.From.Within. Who knew the journey would yield great learning experiences (and yet more to come), allow me to network with many great leaders, and get my message across to leaders in 38 countries!!! Wow, for a person who just started learning […]
Partnering with Science
“As my comprehension of science has grown, it has gradually become evident to me that, insofar as understanding the physical world is concerned, there are many areas of traditional Buddhist thought where our explanations and theories are rudimentary when compared with those of modern science. But, at the same time, even in the most […]